Bexhill Carnival week was a scorcher
31 July, 2018
This year’s Bexhill Carnival Week was another scorcher with the Bexhill community enjoying a week of fun events and summer sunshine! Hundreds of spectators turned out to support the week with monies being raised for this year’s Carnival charity partners, Bexhill Samaritans, Entertainment Workshop, HRVAB & 1st Sidley Brownies.
Hosting seven days of events for the town, Bexhill Carnival runs annually throughout the last week of July and is totally funded by local businesses including main sponsors Hastings Direct and J D Wetherspoon.
Bexhill Carnival Chairman, Nim Whitmarsh said, “We have enjoyed putting on a full week of events for the local community and are grateful for all the support - the weather has certainly been on our side! I would like to thank the committee for their efforts as they’ve all given their time for free. We could not host this week without our sponsors and our thanks go to them all for making Bexhill Carnival Week possible.”
The crowning of this year’s Carnival Court with Sandra Martin from Channel 4’s ‘Gogglebox’ kicked off the events, with It’s a Knock-out, 6-a-side Football, car boot sale, the Carnival Dog Show and Party in the Park taking place throughout the rest of the exciting week. The Carnival procession on Saturday hosted floats, individuals, music and colour that filled the town.
Community Relations Manager at Hastings Direct, Jay Wootten said, “It’s been another great week for Bexhill, and it’s been a pleasure to work with the Carnival committee again. Seeing the crowds at Party in the Park and the streets full at the Carnival procession was a real highlight.”
Procession winners
Walkers - Regis Dancers
Motorised - Homecall
Charity Partners & Sponsors - Sidley Brownies
Best in show - Sidley Brownies
Carnival Courts & May Queens - Dover Carnival Court
Nicola Chapman
T: 01424 735735
31 July, 2018