Local students graduate from 2018/19 Be the Change educational programme

11 May, 2019
Students from Bexhill Academy and Welland Park Academy in Leicester have graduated from the inspirational Be the Change programme sponsored by Hastings Direct, in partnership with LoveLocalJobs.com.
Year 9 pupils from the secondary schools in Bexhill and Leicester recently completed the educational programme following their workplace visit to Hastings Direct’s head office in Bexhill and St George’s Way office in Leicester earlier in the month. The students gained a valuable insight into the business world as they toured various departments and listened to business volunteers who have been mentoring the students, talk about their specialist areas.
Completing the programme, the 96 students from Bexhill and 127 students from Leicester celebrated their journey with 67 volunteering business mentors from Hastings Direct, the Be the Change course leader and Lovelocaljobs.com as well as teachers and support staff from their schools.
As the students received certificates and Be the Change ribbons, they applauded each other and reflected on the past year. Many students stood in front of the gathered audience and revealed their feelings about moving forward with the skills they have learnt.
Jay Wootten, Community Relations Manager, Hastings Direct commented, “We’re proud to have completed another year of Be the Change with the students from Bexhill Academy and Welland Park Academy. It was great to see the students graduate from the inspirational course, to hear them talk about the skills they have gained to support a positive future and to see the noticeable change in their confidence levels.”
Trudy Hillman, Assistant Principal, Inclusion and Pastoral Care, Bexhill Academy, said; “It has been another great year for Be the Change, and the year in which I’ve observed the biggest shift in our cohort. The work place visit was a fantastic experience, with the chance to participate in an interview with feedback from an experienced manager. Teaching staff described the students returning to their lessons as ‘buzzing’ and ‘motivated to achieve’.”
Nastassija Kolakovic, Lovelocaljob.com added; “We are thrilled with the success of the Bexhill Be the Change programme this year. It has been incredible to see the positive changes made and the difference in so many of the students. Hastings Direct should be incredibly proud of the impact they have had on so many young people at Bexhill Academy.”
Louise Barnes, teacher at Welland Park Academy said; “We have been so grateful to be part of the Be the Change programme. It’s been great to see our students not only interact with their business mentors but with each other, speaking to peers they would not normally speak to and to grow in terms of confidence and self-belief, understanding and tolerance. We have seen them take on responsibility for their actions in a way we don't always see in school. A huge thank you to the team.”
Nastassija Kolakovic, Lovelocaljob.com added; “We are thrilled with the success of the Bexhill and Leicester Be the Change programmes this year. It has been incredible to see the positive changes made and the difference in so many of the students. Hastings Direct should be incredibly proud of the impact they have had on so many young people at Bexhill Academy and Welland Park Academy.”
Graham Moore, Co-Founder of Be the Change and Metamoorephosis said; “It has been an honour to once again work with Bexhill Academy and Welland Park Academy. The students all demonstrated maturity and pride and have been great ambassadors for the young people in the area. The business volunteers from Hastings Direct continually demonstrated their professionalism and have been totally committed to supporting the young people throughout and striving to make a difference to their lives”.
11 May, 2019