
2 June, 2015


Hastings Direct has confirmed to local residents its plans to extend the car parking facilities, offering a further 191 spaces at its Bexhill offices.

At a recent meeting with the Collington Residents Action Group, Hastings chief executive officer (CEO) Gary Hoffman confirmed that plans had been agreed to take the car parking project forward. As well as updating residents on the other initiatives the company had taken to reduce the amount of vehicles seen on a daily basis.

Gary Hoffman, CEO at Hastings Direct said: "We committed to Collington residents that we would put plans in place to make a significant difference to the parking challenges experienced in the area. This extension to our car park, along with other travel initiatives, including car sharing, rail travel, and cycling to work will hopefully make that difference. I would like to thank the residents for working with us during this time and also for their patience."

Steve Davis, Collington Resident spokesperson said "We would like to thank Hastings Direct for their positive response to our residents' concerns and welcome the potential start date of the 15th June when work will commence on their car park. We are looking forward to future collaboration in continuing to resolve the rest of our concerns over the next few months."


2 June, 2015
